The museum vistor gazing at design pieces at the Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich
My first exhibition has opened. You can find all the details in the sidebar and in my last post.
It is a very satisfying feeling, seeing ones images in lovely print quality, framed and matted hanging on the wall in a sequenced fashioned. The selection process was an exhausting experience. As it is a joint exhibition and I had room for 24 images I was not really confined on a theme or topic, it is more of a retrospective of my photographical work from the last few years. The majority of my images were made in the last 20 months or so, but as it also is my first exhibition I saw it as chance to show how my work has evolved and in which direction my work is heading. It will be also be a big chance for me to see if the public actually likes what I am doing and if yes, which images find public acclaim and have a chance of selling. A lot of midnight oil was burned, selecting, evaluating, reediting and questioning myself (yeah those old questions : is my art good enough? what am I doing here? Should I become a truck driver?). But now they are hanging there and the rest remains to be seen. I had all my prints done at whitewall, whose quality, support and service really are fantastic, as 60×40 cm prints with a white matte in non – reflective glass in a black frame.
The official opening night is on June 28th 18:00. Hope to see many of you there.
This image is called”Modern Things”. It was taken at the Pinakothek der Moderne in Munich. A lovely museum well worth a visit if you are in town. Next to fine art it shows design objects, architecture, graphics and photography. I was looking at the industrial design wall, showing all kinds of different ´objects from furniture to bicycles when a casual visitor stepped in front of my lens and seemed to blend in as a exhibit part himself. The backlight wall called for a strong silhouette which I achieved through black and white conversion in Google’s Silver Efx. Hope you like the result, and best of all, come and see the print at my exhibition
Next to my photography exhibition I am currently working doing compositing work for SKY Germany and a sound design at Klangstüberl .
Well done, Martin. So proud of you – the quality of your photos, your unique eye on the world and all the hard work choosing and selecting. PS and the courage to go ahead with it.