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I have been keeping busy over the last few weeks, trying to get the organizational part of my business on the run, which sometimes is a lot more complicated than anticipated , but I am pretty sure to have ploughed through most of the bureaucratic intricacies at this point.
Also did some compositing work on a Nike spot for the fine folks at Aixsponza (check out more of their great work at www.Aixsponza.com). It was a fun project and I am quite happy with the outcome.
The homepage rework is close to completion, although the Photo section still needs some overhaul. Reworking keywords and buy options to streamline things further and sorting out the shots I am not 100% happy with. Not much progress on the galaxy project, but hope to squeeze in a few constructive days after Christmas.
Alas, the year is nearly over and I ran the last race of the year on St. Nicolas day in the Olympic park. A 10k race with a new personal best time of 47:22, which is two and a half minutes faster than the same race last year so I am pretty happy with that, considering I was only running half heartedly since the marathon. I am planning on running one or two half marathons next year if time allows.